Future Thinking Episode 6 - The Future of 3D Asset Creation?

A quick into to episode 6 of Future Thinking - where we talked to Konstantina Psoma, the CEO and CO-Founder of innovative start-up Kaedim.

George Barnes Content Marketing Manager
·1 min read (278 words)
An illustration of Konstantina Psoma of Kaedim for the Future Thinking podcast

In the Newicon podcast - Future Thinking - my goal is to make innovation accessible to all. By talking to people involved in innovation in one way or another, I’m trying to get to the core of what it means to foster innovation in a business. How can you lay the foundations for good ideas? What’s the mindset of innovative business leaders? The podcast tries and answer that and more. 

And I get to talk to some very cool people in the process!

In episode 6 of Future Thinking I talked to someone who ticked all the boxes in terms of what we’re trying to achieve with the podcast. 

Konstantina Psoma is the CEO and Co-Founder of a start-up called Kaedim. Along with her co-founder, Konstantina took an innovative idea and turned it into a successfully funded startup. (And she did it straight out of university!). 

In our chat, Konstantina gave some great advice for people looking to take their ideas and turn them into a reality. And she told us all about the company itself and the innovative technology that’s behind it. Essentially it uses AI to help simplify and massively speed up the laborious process of creating 3D assets. 

It’s a technology and a company that really could transform any industries that use 3D assets - and there are a lot of them! Think film, TV, gaming, even VR and AR. 

We talked about all that and much more. So what are you waiting for? Head over to the podcast page and have a listen. And while you’re there, don’t forget to subscribe so that you’ll get every new episode, straight to your device.  

Or you can also just listen to it here:

George Barnes Content Marketing Manager at Newicon

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